Tales of the Burned Stones is now released!
A new free ORC licensed dark-fantasy prequel to Stoneburner
Hey everyone!
I'm excited to announce that I have just released a new game called Tales of the Burned Stones. It is a free, open licensed, and solo-friendly dark-fantasy RPG of journeying and dungeon delving.
This game acts as a prequel to our sci-fantasy TTRPG, Stoneburner, which exceeded all our expectations during its Kickstarter campaign earlier this year. We ended up fully funding with over $45,000 CAD from over 1,400 backers, and we couldn't be more grateful for the support from the RPG community.
As a thank you, we have created this 70-pages fully laid out beautiful PDF, which is now available for free at https://fari-rpgs.itch.io/tales-of-the-burned-stones.

TotBS is inspired by Diablo, The Witcher, and The Warded Man and takes the setting of Stoneburner in a totally different direction. In this game, players start by losing their character in a cataclysmic event that ripped open a mountain and unleashed demonic hordes on the continent. They are then resurrected by a doomsday cult and given new powers to fight the forces of the underworld.
This project was designed as a gift for the entire TTRPG community for having believed in us. We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed creating it.
Download Tales of the Burned Stones for free here: https://fari-rpgs.itch.io/tales-of-the-burned-stones
For more information about Stoneburner, visit: https://stoneburner.farirpgs.com/
If you enjoy the game, please share it with your friends and fellow TTRPG enthusiasts
TotBS is Open Licensed
On top of this, TotBS is 100% open licensed the Open RPG Creative License (ORC for short) designed by the folks over at Paizo. This means you can immediately start creating your own supplements for the game (adventures, backgrounds, tables, etc) or use its content as the basis to design your own RPG.
For more on the license: https://talesoftheburnedstones.farirpgs.com/#license
TotBS’ Actual Play
Our friends over at Level 1 Adventuring have just started a new solo actual play series featuring Tales of the Burned Stones. Wolfe Scott is an amazing story teller and does such a wonderful job expanding on the world of the game. I’ve been absolute stunned after each episode, and totally recommend it.
TotBS Soundtrack
I got so excited about the release that I also made a playlist for you to listen to when you play the game, which is available on Spotify. Enjoy!
One Last Thing…
I think that’s it for now. Also, a little reminder that if you backed Stoneburner, Backerkit surveys have been sent yesterday. If you didn’t get the email, click here to fill out your survey.
Nice release! And congrats for being at the top of the itch charts!