The Songs and Sagas jam is going strong, with more than 85 participants!
To help y’all in your design journey, I’ve just released a set of templates for free on my website. This should allow you to get started with your project as fast as possible.
► Download the free Affinity Portrait And Landscape Template
► Download the free Canva Template
Making Songs and Sagas 100% Free
I’ve thought about this idea for a bit now, and I’m considering making Songs and Sagas even more accessible than it is right now.
If we get to 100 participants in the jam, I’ll make Songs and Sagas 100% free for everyone, removing entirely the barrier to entry into the beautifully dangerous alien wilderness of Nyvärd.
Want to design a supplement? adventure module? rolling table? art? map? pre-made island? Join the jam.
Want to design your own game based on the mechanics of the game? Join the jam.
Here’s the link:
Please do tag me on social media @rpdeshaies when you design something with them!
Hey, I tried to use the Canva template, but when I get the link, it shows me a viewer of the template but I can't do anything with it, I can just view the 2 pages.